I needed them all

Little MeLittle Me

Variety. I’ve always been someone who needed a LOT of it.

Growing up I had three best friends. The four of us were all friends and we’d play together, but when I played with each of them individually I got to really enjoy the diversity of my interests.

Laura H and I always played with our dolls. We took over her parents’ basement and created an amazing world. We had a room for our “house” complete with a kitchen, a room for our “school” and of course a group of chairs to act as our “car.” We had absolutely everything a girl needs to properly nurture her dolls and we would play for hours.

Sara wasn’t really into dolls, but she and I shared a passion for singing. My dad built us a stage in my basement complete with spotlights, strobe lights and speakers. We had a drum set from Toys R Us, a keyboard and 2 microphones. And of course, costumes. What performance would be complete without wardrobe changes? We were big into costumes.

Laura L was always up for an adventure. She and I loved to explore the great outdoors together. We would go on hikes, climb trees and build forts in the forest. We’d pitch a tent in her mom’s yard and eat brownie batter while talking about boys and hoping to spot the Northern lights.

I needed every one of my girls. It wasn’t perfect and we drove each other more than a little crazy sometimes, but I was blessed.

Each friendship gave me an opportunity to express an authentic aspect of my personality. I loved to get my glam on and perform with Sara as much as I loved being covered in mud and exploring the wetlands behind my house. Without each one of these three girls my childhood would have been incomplete.

As adults it’s easy to get into habits that honor one aspect of our being, while abandoning or neglecting other parts of ourselves.

I can easily spend all of my time expressing the maternal, caregiving side of me, while forgetting about my genuine need for adventure, creativity and MUD. I have to remind myself that I need variety. I’m at my best when I nurture, honor and express ALL of me.

What about you? Are you over-expressing one aspect of your being while ignoring another? Have you noticed if that imbalance drains your energy making it difficult to be your best? Share in the comments below.


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