This is 40

This Thursday, February 8th was my birthday…my 40th birthday. Birthdays are always a time of reflection for me, even more so when the number ends in a 0. Looking back I suppose I spent the first decade of my life deciding it would be safer to hide my wildly creative Aquarian spirit and the next…

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Fake it till I make it?

I’ve never liked the phrase, “fake it till you make it.” It just seems like bad advice. I don’t know anyone who wants to be around fake people. It’s okay if you can’t do something, but don’t lie about it and try to fake like you know what you’re doing. That just seems crazy, right?…

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I needed them all

Little Me Variety. I’ve always been someone who needed a LOT of it. Growing up I had three best friends. The four of us were all friends and we’d play together, but when I played with each of them individually I got to really enjoy the diversity of my interests. Laura H and I always…

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Coming in Last…Again.

I was never a runner. In fact, I hated running. I liked running around the playground with friends, but just running non-stop and racing against the clock? Ugh, that was the worst. Every Thanksgiving, my elementary school held a “Turkey Trot.” After learning the history of the holiday and making turkeys in art class, we…

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Why I made my bed today

I made my bed today. I know it sounds silly. I’m a grown woman… shouldn’t I make my bed everyday? After all, I grew up with attentive parents who did their best to teach me well. My mom even took the time to make a poster board chore chart that hung in our kitchen. Each…

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Quick, easy ways to organize your home for manifestation

While in acupuncture school I had the opportunity to take classes on all kinds of aspects of Chinese culture, including the Chinese Art of Placement known as Feng Shui. I’m far from an expert, but I want to share some quick and easy things you can do to optimize your home to support you in…

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What might have been?

Driving by my old home in Boston, I imagined what life would have been like if I would have made another choice. What if I had stayed and taken that job instead of moving to Tucson? If I had spent the past 10 years in Boston, what would my life be like? My friends, family,…

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What You See Is What You Get

I just got back from Las Vegas and my trip got me thinking… The first time I was there I was 21. My college boyfriend and I were doing a 3200-mile road trip and we spent a night in Vegas after camping in Joshua Tree park the night before. Knowing the city’s reputation as “Sin…

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How I (a psychic!) missed the warning signs of suicide

One afternoon Unity of Tucson was showing the new movie The Secret, and Rob and I decided to check it out. That was the first time we met Dave, a tall, slender guy with blue eyes. He looked like a twenty-nine-year-old version of Bart Simpson with blond spiky hair and a larger than life grin.…

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Beingness verses Doingness & Self-Realization

As highly conscious creators we bring so much awareness to the manifestation process. While most people think about what needs to be done to accomplish their goals, we consider what we are doing AND how we are doing it.   I recently received this question from our reader, Richard.   Richard asks, “If beingness is…

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