This is 40

This Thursday, February 8th was my birthday…my 40th birthday.

Birthdays are always a time of reflection for me, even more so when the number ends in a 0.

Looking back I suppose I spent the first decade of my life deciding it would be safer to hide my wildly creative Aquarian spirit and the next 3 decades getting to know, love and accept my own brand of weirdness.

In my 20’s, there were many conversations with my mom, me in tears wondering why I couldn’t just be “normal.” Friends were getting jobs and financial security while I was following my intuition on the most bizarre (seemingly tangential) adventures.

In my 30’s, I discovered how all the dots connected. My intuitive awareness grew stronger and my faith deepened. I became conscious of how I had created some crazy cool results for myself and how I could repeat the process. I started to openly talk about “woo-woo” things like energy, intuition, and spiritual principles.

This last year has been the most incredible for me personally. My baby girl has opened me up to a whole new world of love.

At the same time, the world outside of my “baby bubble” feels heavier than ever. Collectively the time has finally come to breakdown and break through an old paradigm. It is messy and painful.

There is a call to be braver than ever before. To be a strong voice for love and equality even when you’d rather hide. To share your whole heart even when you’re not sure you have the courage.

Becoming a parent has a way of activating a warrior energy within. The subtle acts of disrespect you might brush off when they happen to you, become unacceptable for your child. You become a fierce, unapologetic advocate for this child you love more than you can wrap your head around. You drop the people pleasing shit and do what you know is right. You realize you’re braver than you thought.

As I turn 40 and my baby turns 1,  I have been thinking about how I could contribute more to the world. How could I bring more love and light to a world that sometimes feels so dark and overwhelming? Where have I been withholding?

If I’m honest with myself I have REALLY held back on sharing my ideas and the things I have learned that I know could serve others. I’ve been hoarding my creations (including an entire book I wrote almost 3 years ago).

I haven’t been acting as brave as I know I am. I haven’t been doing all I can with the gifts God has given me. Wouldn’t now be a good time for all of us to bring all the love and creativity we’ve got to this Earth party?

So…in honor of my 40th trip around the sun I’m going to challenge myself to share. I’m going to commit to sharing one thing a day on Facebook, Instagram, my blog or my YouTube channel. One thing a day for the next 365…and beyond.


Thanks for joining me on this journey.

