What You See Is What You Get

I just got back from Las Vegas and my trip got me thinking…

The first time I was there I was 21. My college boyfriend and I were doing a 3200-mile road trip and we spent a night in Vegas after camping in Joshua Tree park the night before.

Knowing the city’s reputation as “Sin City,” everywhere I looked I saw things that disturbed me; young children passing out flyers for strippers at midnight (shouldn’t they be home in bed?!), garbage lining the streets and people looking utterly depressed while chain smoking and pumping quarters into the slot machines. The 24 hours I spent there were completely over stimulating and I couldn’t wait to get out of the dark energy and back to the beauty and grace of the national parks we were touring.

I’ve been to Vegas four times since then and now I see a completely different city. Why? Because I’m different. The Universe is a perfect feedback mechanism. Like a blank movie screen it shows you exactly what you project onto it.

At 21, I lived in a lot of fear. I was highly sensitive and intuitive in a way that felt fragile. I surrounded myself in light because I was afraid of the dark. I was afraid to acknowledge the shadow side of life, of others and, most of all, myself.

Understanding my intuition and my gifts has brought me confidence and allowed me to be honest about the Universal Law of Polarity which states that everything has an opposite. Like the yin within yang, there is darkness and light. To know the light within us, we must be willing to be honest about the dark.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; where there is great darkness there must also be great light.

Where there is potential for great failure there is also potential for great success.

Where there is sin, there must also be soulfulness. It’s all there. YOUR unique perspective determines the experience you have.

When I go to Vegas now, I see so much soulfulness, creativity and abundance. The Strip is an incredible display of people making their dreams come true; architects, artists, magicians, performers…everywhere I look I see a symbol of someone’s vision being brought to life. Now I am able to see the soulful side of the city, a side that was always there, but was previously outside of my limited, fear based perspective.

As you look around your world today, remember you can choose which world to live in. The light and the dark co-exist. You can choose to see a world of sin or soul, so go ahead and choose to play in the soulful side of life.

To Your Divinity!

kyrsten signature

P.S. If you are ready to see the world through empowered, Soul centered glasses and you would like some help learning how to do just that, let’s talk! We’ll connect on the phone and get really clear on if manifestation mentoring is the next aligned action step for you.