why we sabotage our happy


We see it time and time again… (Can you relate to any of these? Do you recognize these patterns in others?)

~You’re losing weight, you’re exercising consistently and feeling really good until you suddenly get sick or have an injury and can no longer exercise.you gradually put  all the weight back on…and more.

~Or you get a nice in flow of money, a new client, a raise at work, a new job opportunity and it really looks like your financial situation is looking up, but then your car breaks down, your home suddenly needs repairs or there’s some other big expense that puts you right back in your previous financial situation…or maybe even a little worse off.

~Or you finally meet someone you’re really excited about. You’re having fun and feeling really happy. But then something suddenly charges…you start bickering, criticizing, nit-picking and the next thing you know the relationship is making you miserable.

~Or maybe you love community and family gatherings and yet every time there’s a get together you inadvertently create drama by over drinking, or withdrawing, getting sick or some other situation that creates separation.

~You receive a compliment and instead of saying, thank you, you start to list off reasons why the positive feedback is unjustified.

Let’s face it…we all have some point at which we just can’t tolerate more happiness and good feelings. We all have a happy threshold or a comfort zone we unconsciously keep ourselves inside of. Any level of happy that tiptoes outside of that comfort zone gets sabotaged…IF we don’t raise our threshold and learn to tolerate, embrace and accept more happiness.

Look around you…
Look at the countless celebrities who create all kinds of drama and chaos in their lives right at a high point in their careers.

You’ve heard about the lottery winners who win hundreds of millions of dollars and then lose it all (and more), have terrible fights with family and friends and create other painful circumstances for themselves.

So why do we have this threshold or set point? Why can’t we allow ourselves to be more happy? And what can we do to consciously raise that set point?

I’ve been studying this phenomenon for years. I’ve seen it time and time again and I’ve experienced it in my own life. In the past, I had successfully raised my threshold at times, but I never knew how I was doing it. It wasn’t anything I understood or could do consciously…it just sort of happened or it didn’t.

Here what I know now…
1. It happens because of simple physics.

2. When you understand physics you can work with the physical law to raise your happy threshold.

3. It’s actually not hard and complicated.

4. I now know I have the ability to psychically tune into the thermostat (so to speak) that is keeping someone stuck at a certain set point and I can help them consciously reset the dial to allow more happy to flow in their lives.

5. Once we locate that thermostat and understand how it works and how to reset it,  we can continually adjust the settings to keep up with the new levels of abundance, happiness and well being we create in our lives.

6. And recently I discovered others are noticing and exploring this phenomenon too : )

Your Expressive Souls Call to Action:
1. Reflection: are you aware of your own happy threshold? Take a moment to notice the times in your life when something has been going really well and you were feeling really good and somehow you sabotaged it.

2. Now, be honest, do you see the pattern? (We all do this over and over again until we are able to SEE it and take 100% responsibility for it. THEN we have the power to change it).

3. What is your “go to” or default sabotaging behavior?
Do you start to worry? Do you start to criticize or nitpick? or do you start to blame others? Do you withdraw? Do you suddenly get laryngitis, a cold or sinus infection? Do you get nauseated or get migraines? Do you manifest financial drama?

4. Now that you have identified the pattern and the ways you sabotage, now that you see it…it no longer has the power to hold you back. Unless you let it. Pay attention and when you find yourself in that behavior choose to stop yourself from acting habitually.

5. Need some help with this? I’m here for you. Email me back and we’ll set up a time to talk about how I can best support you going forward.

Share your thoughts, “a-ha’s” and insights in the comments below!

To Your Divinity!

Kyrsten Barrett

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